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Candy Cotton

News & Updates

Yearbook Art Contest! Calling all our current students to imagine themselves as FUTURE HOUNDS! This year's yearbook theme is about our hopes and dreams for the future, what you want to be when you grow up, or our beloved Hickory Hound dog as career dog... What do you think it wants to be in the future? How will you "Navigate your future"?

Fill out this form and send in your drawings or computer-aided designs by 3/31/24 for a chance to be featured in the yearbook or on the cover. 

Yearbook Art Contest Form:

Hickory PTA's Nominating Committee presents the 2024-2025 Slate of nominees.

The meeting to elect next year's Board will be on Wednesday, March 27th at 6:30pm in the cafeteria. We will be seeking nominations for all positions and then voting. If you are interested in a position, you can let us know right now by contacting Sunny at You must be a member of PTA at least 30 days prior in order to be nominated or to vote in the election. Join PTA by 2/27 if you haven't already done so:

Thank you for your support and see you at the next meeting! 

2024-25 Hickory PTA Board Slate

President - Amy Brownstone

Recording Secretary - Mary Ishida

Treasurer - Sunny Joo

1st VP of Programs - Stacey Wong

2nd VP of Fundraising - Nichol Leone

3rd VP of Volunteers - OPEN

4th VP of Communications - OPEN

Financial Secretary - Alexis Oh 

Financial Reviewer (aka Auditor) - OPEN

Historian - OPEN

Please note that there will be a special PTA Association Meeting on Thursday, January 18th at 5:30pm via Zoom. This meeting will be held to approve the budget changes for the Winter Festival. For the Zoom link and info, please check the January 2024 PTA newsletter. If you do not currently receive our newsletters you can subscribe at

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